The police on Friday said Biren Shrestha Pradhan, the main accused in the abduction and murder of Khyati Shrestha, killed her on the day of abduction itself by hitting
her on the head. And, said police, Merina Shakya, the 16-year-old accomplice who had helped Biren abduct Khyati, had witnessed the entire scene.
Pradhan confessed to police that he had killed Khyati by hitting her head after the sleeping pills given to her did not render her fully unconscious, said Superintendent of
Police Nawa Raj Silwal, Chief of Metropolitan Police Range, Kathmandu. Khyati's postmortem report also suggests that Khyati died due to head injuries.
Shakya, according to Silwal, confessed that Pradhan hit Shakya when she tried to prevent the murder. However, Shakya also confessed
that she visited Pradhan's rented apartment regularly and helped him conceal and scatter Khyati's body parts.
Pradhan confessed that he had initially planned to demand Rs. 2.5 million as ransom. But he changed his plan and demanded Rs. 1 million after murdering Khyati. Police had earlier recovered part of the
While part of the money was found in an account Pradhan had with a finance company, part of it was discovered hidden among Shakya's textbooks.
Shakya was a student at Adarsha Vidya Mandir, where Pradhan taught biology for 14 years.
After Pradhan's arrest, Khyati's decomposed head was found in a forest in Balaju, the torso in Lalitpur and her limbs in Chitwan.
The police also said going by the brutality of the crime and his lack of remorse, Pradhan could have co-mmitted other crimes in the past. Investigations are underway on whether he had other accomplices, police said.
Pradhan, a gambler, confessed he had been a regular at casinos. He lured Khyati to his rented apartment in Khusibu town planning on the pretence that she had been selected by a women's magazine for a cash award and an all-expenses paid trip to Pokhara.